Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Dread fleet: Shadewraith


So I started work on the Shadewraith from the Dreadfleet game last week. It wasn't as hard as I first thought it would be. I had a look online for a bit of inspiration of how to paint the ship, I came across taleofpainters blog posts about Dreadfleet and really liked the look he went for.

Mordheim Troll

Hey guys sorry I havn't posted in a while just kinda lost the energy and got distracted, but once again i'll try keep things coming for my trusty followers. I've been busy painting stuff so then next couple posts will be a catch up of the last couple of weeks.

I was wanting to put a troll in my Mordheim warband so wanted to get him painted but I didn't have a GW 40mm square base so I left him for a while but the need to paint him became too strong. I decided to make one from scratch using plasticard and ice cream sticks.

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Tabletop Day

Hey all sorry I've haven't posted much, been busy with life and such. So back to the point. The 5th of April was Tabletop Day so my local shop The Unseen Shoppe  held one of the events. There was quite a good turn out and a bunch of games being played.

The Few games I got to play were Small World, Betrayal at House on the hill, Zombie Dice, Tsuro, and X-wing. Lots of Fun was had by all. 

I'm wanting to try to get a bit more regular with my content but also don't want to just spam out stuff.
But that will have to start after this weekend as I'm away for Easter.

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Dreadfleet game

So an Online retailer here in SA has been trying to get rid of their stock of Dreadfleet. From what I've seen and probably Gw's sales show that the internet highly dislikes this game.
So far I can't see why (I haven't played yet), the quality of the models, book and box are excellent as expected.

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Mordheim Warband

So I set about painting my Orc warband for the Clubs Mordheim campaign. I'm gonna try be as Wysiwyg as I can so the models will probably change as the campaign continues. I started out painting the Goblins as they were the least done. 
I wouldn't say that the rest were really well painted but they were table ready at least I'll go back to them as the campaign continues and if they live (haha).

Quick shout out

Hey all to start off I'd like to say WOW and thanks to natfka for the mention on the blog exchange.

I have some posts sitting in draft currently just need to finish them off. So hopefully you guys will enjoy them.
Once again thanks Natfka.

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Start of the Mordeim campaign

So at the local store they are running a Mordheim campaign starting this coming Wed, And with that I needed to get two games in before the 31st of march.

April Painting challenge

So the new month begins.

Last month I got my Dire Avengers painted ready for the tournament.  
I also started a little work on the Wraithlord (below) mostly to check the looks of a new technique I am looking into. Let me know what you think and if I can do anything to improve it. My basic colour is Warboss green and Kantor blue. I'm thinking of adding a stripe of Green across the head maybe in a "V".